The island of Hiiumaa will have a jazz feel this week
Text Mark Taylor Photo © Rene Jakobson/Sõru Jazz
The popular and beloved music festival Sõru Jazz will take place from June 13 to 16 on the idyllic island of Hiiumaa. This annual event is a key highlight for jazz enthusiasts, offering a variety of performances by both established and emerging artists.
The four-day festival will be opened at 8 pm on June 13 by one of Estonia’s most distinctive music groups, Weekend Guitar Trio, in Orjaku harbor. The concert will be a cross-section of their thirty-year career, covering various genres, which are united by improvisation and imaginative sounds. The day will end with Liisi Koikson, multi-instrumentalist Marti Tärn, and Sander Mölder, who is known as a DJ and music producer.
On June 14, the festival will continue in the southern tip of Hiiumaa in Sõru, where the musically versatile and original Valter Soosalu will start the evening, performing his own original compositions. The trio Peedu Kass, Villu Talsi and Theodor Sink, Kaspar Kalluste Quartet, as well as Kristjan Järvi Ensemble Feat. Duo Ruut and Billions will also perform.
On Saturday, June 15, festival-goers are invited to a hike organised by RMK in the nature of Hiiumaa. The hike starts at Naistlaiu port and leads out to the Sarve camping area. You can see rounded rock formations, get to know the vegetation of the area, and admire the meadows where birch trees emerge from the rocky soil.
In the evening of the same day, the concerts continue in Sõru’s boathouse. At 4 pm you can enjoy the work of the young jazz pianist and composer Rahel Talts, who has invited the renowned jazz singer Karmen Rõivassepp to perform with her. The evening will continue with performances from several other talented musicians.
The festival will end on June 16 at Emmaste Church. You can get more information about the event and the full programme of performances on the official Sõru Jazz music festival website (in Estonian).
To learn more about this and similar topics
Island of Hiiumaa
Jazz Music
Summer Events in Estonia
Summer in Estonia
Sõru Jazz