Pärnu Fotofest returns for its 7th edition
Text Mark Taylor Photos Alar Raudoja
The popular annual Pärnu Fotofest has returned. This year’s event, which will run until March 30, will see photo exhibitions in seven of the city’s museums and public buildings.
“I chose “Take it Personally” as the theme of this festival, which draws attention to the artist’s personal and often even intimate relationship with their work. I believe that art taken seriously is always personal and it is impossible for an artist to completely distance themself from their creations,” shared Kaupo Kikkas, the Curator of Pärnu FotoFest 2024.
In total, Pärnu FotoFest 2024 consists of exhibitions in the following seven museums and public buildings in the city; Nooruse Maja, Pärnu Central Library, Endla Theater Gallery, Pärnu Museum of New Art, Pärnu City Gallery Town Hall, Pärnu City Gallery Artists’ House, and Piilurgalerii.
These exhibitions include the “Pärnumaa Photo 2024″ competition exhibition in the Pärnu City Gallery Artists’ House, the photo exhibition EXEGI MONUMENTUM in the Museum of New Art, and Janno Bergmann and Danel Rinaldo’s joint exhibition “The Lord’s Supper” at Piilurgalerii.
“I encourage each viewer to take it personally and dig deep and decide what kind of art they like. A much-advertised exhibition in a large museum may not be better than the tiny photographs on the wall of a culture house,” concluded Kikkas.
You can find more information about the event, including links to the individual exhibitions on the official Pärnu FotoFest 2024 page.

To learn more about this and similar topics
FotoFest 2024
Photography Exhibition
Pärnu FotoFest 2024