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19.2.2023 | Estonia

Crime fell slightly in Estonia in 2022

Text Maek Taylor
Photo Andrei Chertkov

Crime fell slightly in Estonia in 2022


According to data released by the Ministry of Justice, in 2022, a total of 25,663 crimes were recorded in Estonia. This was a decrease of 1.2 per cent on the year before.

In 2022, crimes against property accounted for nearly half of all crime (46 per cent). Crimes against people account for 26 per cent, and traffic offences 11 per cent.

“In 2019, the share of crimes against property hit an all-time low of 38 per cent, but now it has been steadily increasing. In particular, the number of shopliftings has increased in the last two years, with two-thirds of such cases being systematic offences. At the same time, we are pleased to note that the proportion of crimes against people has decreased by four per cent compared to 2019,” explained Lea Danilson-Järg, Justice Minister.

The number of drug crimes fell by 23 per cent in 2022, as did crimes against families and minors. Sexual crimes also fell by 19 per cent. Leading to an overall decline of 5 per cent in the number of crimes against people.

The number of manslaughters, murders, as well as attempts of these remained at the same level as in 2021, at 27 attempts, which resulted in 18 deaths.

According to the minister, official statistics do not reflect all crimes committed, only those reported to law enforcement officials.

“Alongside statistics, it is also important to monitor the information gathered through surveys. For example, the latest victim survey shows that six per cent of respondents fell victim to a crime last year, compared to 5 per cent a year earlier. Considering the margins of error in the survey, it can be said that there has been no significant change in the level of crime, and the same can be seen from the statistics on recorded crime,” added Danilson-Järg.


Source: Postimees 



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Crime Crime Estonia Crime Statistics Lea Danilson-Jarg Ministry of Justice Murder Property Traffic Offences

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