We know Estonia
27.1.2023 | Estonia

Would you give 12-year-old dog Kati her forever home?

Text Mark Taylor
Photos Estonian Animal Protection Society

Would you give 12-year-old dog Kati her forever home?Kati asks for the opportunity to spend her golden years in a forever home.


There are many stories similar to Kati’s, but at the centre of all these stories is one little unfortunate soul who has lost everything and wants nothing more than another chance to show that even an elderly animal can be grateful, loving and provide company to their human.

In mid-January, the Estonian Animal Protection Society received a call from the Petcity Clinic in Rannamõisa, where an elderly, but active and friendly female dog, Kati, had been brought to be euthanised. Until recently, Kati had her own home and family. Unfortunately, one of the owners passed away some time ago, and the other can no longer handle the dog alone due to mobility issues. So the difficult decision was made to give up their old friend.

The nice character of 12-year-old Kati immediately caught the eye of the staff of the Petcity clinic, and so it happened that instead of being put to sleep, the dog was given the opportunity to find a new loving home. The medical examination revealed that Kati is healthy in every respect for her age, and her quality of life is rather good.

At the moment, Kati has a temporary foster home, but it is not the same as having her own home. The foster home states that Kati is a very curious and sociable dog. During walks, she is excited and likes to explore her surroundings. However, when at home she finds a person and comes looking for closeness.

Elis Järvsoo, head of direct assistance at the Estonian Animal Protection Society, explains why it is worth considering adopting an elderly dog. “Certainly, with a dog like Kati, many are afraid of what’s the point of taking an old dog that may not be around much longer. In fact, even when taking in a young animal, it must be taken into account that it may develop a chronic disease, which requires large expenses and the owner’s commitment to ensuring the animal’s well-being. Kati is a small dog, and the doctors confirm that the animal’s health is good. For an active and lively dog like her, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she still has a good few years left to live – who knows, maybe she’ll even get to 20.”

At the moment, Kati has only one big concern. Will she ever have a real home again? Fortunately, the volunteers of the Estonian Animal Protection Society know that everything is possible with the support of animal lovers. Proof of this is provided by a wonderful benefactor who’s one donation paid all of Kati’s medical bills. Now we can only hope that Kati will soon catch the eye of her forever family. The Estonian Animal Protection Society is waiting to hear from interested animal lovers on angelyka.teevali@loomakaitse.ee.

Good people who want to help the Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals can help to pay Kati’s maintenance costs until she finds her forever home by calling the donation phone number 900 7200 (€10) or 900 7225 (€4).

The Estonian Animal Protection Society is a non-profit organisation uniting animal lovers, operating since the spring of 2000, whose mission is to ensure and improve the welfare of animals in need and to prevent animal abuse.





To learn more about this and similar topics
Adopting an Elderly Dog Dog Estonian Animal Protection Society Forever Home Foster Dog Petcity Clinic Pets

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