The number of tourists increased in October
Text Mark Taylor Photo Andrei Chertkov
According to Statistics Estonia, in October 2022, Estonian accommodation establishments served nearly 270,000 tourists, which is 19 per cent more than in October last year. The number of foreign tourists continued to rise, while the number of domestic tourists fell slightly.
“131,000 foreign and 139,000 domestic tourists were accommodated in Estonia. The number of foreign tourists did not yet return to pre-corona crisis levels but it was comparable to the figures for October 2010 and 2011. However, the number of foreign tourists was 58 per cent higher than in October 2021. Domestic tourism did not set a new record, with 4 per cent fewer domestic tourists than in October last year,” said Helga Laurmaa, an analyst at Statistics Estonia.
Compared with October 2021, Estonian establishments accommodated more tourists from many European countries as well as from countries outside of Europe. The biggest number of foreign visitors came from Finland (58,000) and Latvia (19,000). The number of tourists from these neighbouring countries rose, respectively, by 88 per cent and 83 per cent compared with October last year. Tourist arrivals from Finland did not reach pre-pandemic levels, but the number of Latvian tourists was 31 per cent higher. The number of tourists arriving from further away – Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Norway, and Asian countries – was still much smaller than in 2019. 77 per cent of the foreign tourists stayed in accommodation establishments in Harjumaa, followed by Pärnumaa (10 per cent), Tartumaa (5 per cent), and Saaremaa (2 per cent).
The average cost of a guest night was 44 euros per person, which is one euro cheaper than in September. The average cost of an overnight stay per person was 47 euros in Harjumaa, 49 euros in Tartumaa, 46 euros in Ida-Virumaa, 43 euros in Saaremaa, and 37 euros in Pärnumaa.

To learn more about this and similar topics
Domestic Tourists
Foreign Tourists
Statistics Estonia
Tourist Statistics Estonia
Tourist Statistics October 2022