Test your knowledge of Estonia in our December Quiz!
Photo Andrei Chertkov
1. By what name is Santa Claus known in Estonia?
A. Jõulupukk
B. Jõuluvana
C. Näärivana
2. Who is the mayor of Tallinn?
A. Taavi Aas
B. Edgar Savisaar
C. Mihhail Kõlvart
3. How many meters above sea level is the average height of Estonian land?
A. About 50
B. About 100
C. About 150
4. Which country ruled Southern Estonia from 1561 to 1629?
A. Sweden
B. Prussia
C. Poland
5. What is the old folk name for December in Estonian?
A. Näärikuu
B. Jõulukuu
C. Kuusekuu
6. In December of which year did the Communists attempt a coup in Estonia?
A. 1924
B. 1931
C. 1938
7. How many rivers and streams flow into Peipsi lake?
A. 37
B. 137
C. 237
8. What was the unemployment rate in Estonia in the third quarter of 2021?
A. 5.7
B. 7.7
C. 9.7
9. Who is the manager of the rally driver Ott Tänak?
A. Timo Jouhki
B. Markko Märtin
C. Juha Kankkunen
10. What war between 1904 and 1905 involved many Estonian men?
A. The Russia-Japan War
B. Crimean War
C. World War I
11. What is the administrative centre of Läänemaa?
A. Pärnu
B. Haapsalu
C. Vormsi
12. Which country was the first to recognize Estonia’s re-independence in August 1991?
A. Finland
B. Sweden
C. Iceland
Answers: 1. B, 2. C, 3. A, 4. C, 5. B, 6. A, 7. C, 8. A, 9. B, 10. A, 11. B, 12. C
To learn more about this and similar topics
Estonia Quiz
Markko Märtin
Mihhail Kõlvart
Santa Claus