We know Estonia

5.4.2024 | Culture

TEULIS Shadow Theatre

TEULIS Shadow Theatre

TEULIS Shadow Theatre, renowned for its captivating performances, will perform in Estonia for the very first time tomorrow, March … Read more

13.3.2024 | Culture

Erkki-Sven Tüür’s “Tormiloits” to be the centerpiece of a concert

Erkki-Sven Tüür’s “Tormiloits” to be the centerpiece of a concert

The Vanemuine Symphony Orchestra will perform Erkki-Sven Tüür’s “Tormiloits” at two concerts in Estonia this week. The first in … Read more

8.2.2024 | Culture

A gala concert showcasing rare classical instruments

A gala concert showcasing rare classical instruments

This Friday and Saturday (February 9-10), the popular and much anticipated Pillifond Gala will take place in Tartu and … Read more

30.10.2023 | Culture

The young and award-winning violinist Hans Christian Aavik will perform in Estonia this week

The young and award-winning violinist Hans Christian Aavik will perform in Estonia this week

“The violin sings, laments, dances, raves, mourns, and caresses in his hands. Aavik’s handling of the instrument is characterised … Read more