Registration has opened for NATOs CyCon2023 conference in Tallinn
Text Mark Taylor
Registration for the 15th International Conference on Cyber Conflict has opened. CyCon 2023 will take place in Tallinn, from May 30 to June 2.
The fifteenth edition of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) annual conference will encourage attendees to re-assess the many beliefs, assumptions, conclusions, and forecasts they have about the cyberspace, technologies, and the people using them.
CyCon 2023 will address our assumptions about cyberspace and related technologies, including their role in peacetime as well as crisis and conflict. Will our policies and legal frameworks stand the test of time? Which technologies have proved to be game changers, and which have been overrated? At CyCon 2023 topics that might have appeared niche or theoretical just a few years ago, but now have taken on real-life significance with the return of war to Europe will be discussed.
The event will be opened by the President of Estonia, Alar Karis. Keynote speakers include the US Acting National Cyber Director Kemba Eneas Walden, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Gen. Chris Badia, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges David van Weel, Professor Ross Anderson of the University of Cambridge, Executive Director of the EU Agency for Cybersecurity Juhan Lepassaar, Head of the Department of Cyber and Information Security of the Security Service of Ukraine Illia Vitiuk, BBC News Security Correspondent Gordon Corera, and other distinguished cyber community leaders.
In total, the conference will feature around 100 speakers, representing governments, the military, public sector, academia, and the private sector. Each CyCon participant will receive a hard copy of the conference proceedings and will have the opportunity to meet the contributors.
For further information on the conference and to register, click here.
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Alar Karis
Cyber Security
CyCon Tallinn
NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence