Estonian food represented in Berlin
Text Susanna Poikela Photos Liilit Kirss
For the 30th time, the Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce will take part in the world’s largest food and agricultural fair, Grüne Woche, which will take place in Berlin on January 17 to 26 this year. At the fair, exhibitors from around the world will showcase their products and discuss current issues such as climate protection, the circular economy and sustainable land use. In addition, the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA), which will be attended by more than 70 agriculture ministers, will take place as part of the fair.
The focus of the Estonian delegation at this year’s fair will be on food authenticity and honey DNA testing, which is becoming an increasingly important tool in the fight against adulterated honey. On the opening day of the fair, the Estonian Minister of Regional Development and Agriculture, Piret Hartman, and representatives of Estonian and German beekeepers discussed possible obstacles that could slow down the official and widespread introduction of the test.
Estonian beekeepers were represented by Mario Kalver, Sander Sulane and Mart Kullamaa from OÜ Muhe Mesi, which developed the test in cooperation with Celvia Medical Laboratory. According to Mr Kullamaa, the meeting was very necessary and successful: “At first we were nervous that the president of the largest German beekeepers’ association, who has so far been sceptical about our test, might criticise us severely. Fortunately, the meeting went well and we invited them to Estonia to visit our laboratory.”
The meeting sparked interest among German beekeepers, as an analysis by the Celvia laboratory last year showed that up to 80% of the honey sold in German shops was not genuine.

Grüne Woche brings visibility to small countries
Estonia’s participation in Grüne Woche is very important as it provides an opportunity to demonstrate Estonian products and nature on the international stage. Kerli Ats, President of the Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce, said: “Estonia’s presence is important because all our neighbours will be represented at the fair. The event is an important opportunity for small countries to show their country and its products.”
Several Estonian companies are participating this year, including Linnamäe Lihatööstus, Saaremaa Piimatööstus, Saidafarm, Farmi Piimatööstus, Õun Drinks, DGM Shipping, Orkla, Rõngu Pagar, Mahetark, Rõngu Mahl, Salvest, Tartu Mill, Eesti Pagar, Black Garlic, Agrone, Naat ja Naeris, Minna Marmelaad, Artisan Honey, Balsnack, Raw Edge, Liviko, Moe, Delikatess Food, Põldotsa Talu and Tohi Distillery.

To learn more about this and similar topicsEstonian agriculture Estonian food Estonian honey Estonian producers events Grüne Woche