Baltic & Estonian Music Days
Text Mark Taylor Photo Rene Jakobson
Estonian Music Days, will broadens its horizons this year by merging with Baltic Music Days to showcase a wealth of contemporary music from Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The festival, which will have the theme “Umwelt”, will run from April 26 to May 5. The event in Tartu will highlight the intersection of music and environmental perception—a concept pioneered by biologist Jacob von Uexküll.
The festival will begin on April 26 with an open-air spectacle entitled “The Call of the Three Towers”, featuring a new piece by Märt-Matis Lill, set against the backdrop of Tartu’s St. John’s Church. The inaugural day will also witness premieres from Lauri Jõeleht, Tõnis Leemets, and celebrated Lithuanian composer Mykolas Natalevičius.
Venues across Tartu, including the Estonian National Museum (ERM) and University of Tartu Museum, will host an array of concerts and interdisciplinary events. Esteemed groups such as the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir and the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra will perform alongside international ensembles, bringing to life new works by composers like Helena Tulve, Ülo Krigul, and Timo Steiner.
A standout event, the Wolverine Night Mystery, will be held at the Estonian National Museum on April 30, combining electronic music with performance art, encapsulates the festival’s theme in a night of avant-garde expression.
You can find more information about the Baltic & Estonian Music Days and full programme of events on the festival’s official website here.
To learn more about this and similar topics
Baltic & Estonian Music Days
Estonian Music Days
Estonian National Museum
Live Music
Music Festival Estonia