Animals as Teachers
A mole, stork, and snail lead the new exhibit at the Energy Discovery Centre on architecture and technology.
Spider the Architect and Aole the Engineer is the name of the new exhibit. The name describes the new exhibit perfectly because people take many ideas from how animals live.
The exhibit explains why the honeycomb has six sides and how moles build tunnels that don’t shake, the exhibition explains, for example, using beehives in house construction.
The exhibition hall is divided between the spider, snail, bee, stork, and human. Visitors will receive tons of information about their natural habitats, like the beehive or the mole tunnel.
Judging by the laughter, the spider web made from velcro straps is a favourite for children 150 cm and smaller to hang from. Visitors can also try on a snail’s shell for size or build a stork’s nest. There is a story about every animal.
The exhibit is open until 1 January, 2016. The Energy Discovery Centre is located in the large yellow building close to Kultuurikatel and Linnahall. It’s just a short walk from the port.
Energy Discovery Centre (Energia Avastuskeskus),
Põhja pst 29, Tallinn
Click on the address to see the location
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