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6.5.2024 | Estonia

Music and poetry crossing borders

Text Mark Taylor
Photo event organiser

Music and poetry crossing borders


Tomorrow, May 7, an event entitled “Border”, which combines music and poetry, will take place in Valga in southern Estonia. The event is part of the Tartu’s European Capital of Culture programme.

Border discusses the challenges at country borders – Valga and its twin city Valka being either side of the border with Latvia. Reflecting on, among other things, how borders create security or a threat in our lives. Life in border areas can all of a sudden become dangerous, as the war in Ukraine has shown.

Border will be presented three years in a row in the EU capitals of culture, in the area in ​​which twin cities are located. It will therefore be performed in six different countries.

The performers themselves cross different artistic and cultural boundaries, and have not collaborated with each other before. The performers include Ville Rusanen, baritone (FIN), Tiit Peterson, guitar (EST), Neeme Punder, flute (EST), Elo Viiding, poetry (EST).

As well as the music and poetry performance, there will also be a discussion on the emerging boundaries in Europe and how to cross them today.


To learn more about this and similar topics
Borders European Captial of Culture 2024 Live Music Poetry Tartu 24 Valga Valka

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