Wages in Estonia have increased by 8.1%
Text Ingel Kink Photo John Vid / Unsplash
According to data released by Statistics Estonia, the average monthly gross wages (before tax) in the third quarter of 2024 stood at 1,959 euros, reflecting an 8.1 per cent increase compared to the same period in 2023. The median wages for the same period were 1,620 euros, up from 1,500 euros in 2023. While wages are still on the rise, Sigrid Saagpakk, an analyst at Statistics Estonia, pointed out that the pace of growth has slowed compared to last year.
The highest average monthly gross wages were recorded in the information and communication sector (3,506 euros), followed by the financial and insurance activities sector (3,068 euros) and the electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply sector (2,540 euros). On the other hand, the lowest average wages were observed in accommodation and food services (1,285 euros), and real estate activities (1,366 euros).
Notably, sectors like human health and social work activities saw the largest increase in wages, with a rise of 10.6 per cent, followed closely by education, which saw a wage increase of 9.6 per cent compared to the previous year.
Regional wage differences also show interesting trends. The highest average wages were recorded in Tallinn (2,307 euros), followed by Harjumaa county, including Tallinn (2,200 euros), and Tartumaa (1,962 euros). However, wages were lowest in Valgamaa (1,452 euros), Võrumaa (1,477 euros), and Läänemaa (1,485 euros) counties. Wage growth varied by county, with Hiiumaa county seeing the most significant increase of 10.7 per cent, followed by Tartumaa (9.7 per cent) and Ida-Virumaa (9.1 per cent).
In terms of median wages, which represent the middle point where half of employees earn more and half earn less, Tallinn again led with the highest median wage of 1,900 euros, followed by Harjumaa county (1,821 euros) and Tartumaa county (1,661 euros). The lowest median wages were observed in Võrumaa (1,252 euros), Valgamaa (1,271 euros), and Ida-Virumaa (1,272 euros) counties.
To learn more about this and similar topics
Average monthly salary Estonia
Average Wages Estonia
Economic Activities Wages
Median Wages
Regional Wage Differences
Statistics Estonia
Tallinn Wages
Wage Growth 2024