The average gross salary in Estonia is now over €1900
Text Mark Taylor Photo Andrei Chertkov
According to data released by Statistics Estonia, the average monthly gross salary (before taxes) in the fourth quarter of 2023 was 1,904 euros, which was 9.7 per cent higher than in the same quarter in 2022.
“In the fourth quarter, the average monthly gross wages and salaries were the highest in information and communications (3,271 euros), financial and insurance activities (2,902 euros), and energy supply (2,548 euros). Average gross wages were the lowest in accommodation and food service activities (1,193 euros), and real estate activities (1,310 euros),” said Liina Kuusik, an analyst at Statistics Estonia.
Kuusik added that the average monthly salaries increased the most in education (18.6 per cent), and human health and social work activities (15.4 per cent).
Average monthly salaries were the highest in Harjumaa (incl. Tallinn city) (2,121 euros) and in Tartumaa (1,941 euros). The lowest average wages were recorded in Valgamaa (1,408 euros) and Saaremaa (1,449 euros).
Compared to the previous year, the biggest growth in wages occurred in Ida-Virumaa (13 per cent) and Valgamaa (11.5 per cent) counties. However, the growth in salaries was more modest in Läänemaa (7.4%) and Harjumaa (excl. Tallinn) (8.1%).
Median wages, i.e. the point at which half of employees earn more and half earn less, was 1,578 euros in the fourth quarter of 2023. Median monthly gross wages were about 10.5 per cent larger than in the same quarter of 2022.

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Average Salary in Estonia
Average Wage in Estonia
Salaries in Estonia
Wages in Estonia