We know Estonia
18.4.2022 | Estonia

Test your knowledge of Estonia in our April Quiz

Photo Andrei Chertkov

Test your knowledge of Estonia in our April Quiz


1. Which of the following is the largest mammal in the Baltic Sea?

A. Baltic Ringed Seal

B. Porpoise

C. Grey Seal


2. How much of Estonia’s state budget has been set aside for defense spending this year?

A. About 2 per cent

B. About 3.5 per cent

C. About 5 per cent


3. In what time period in the new Estonian film “Apteeker Melchior” set?

A. The Viking period

B. The Middle Ages

C. The time of Swedish rule


4. Which famous building in Tallinn was designed by Finnish architects Wivi Lönn and Armas Lindgren?

A. Estonia Theatre

B. Kumu Museum of Contemporary Art

C. Viru Hotel


5. What is the old folk name for April in Estonian?

A. Kevadkuu

B. Porikuu

C. Jürikuu


6. What was the unemployment rate in Estonia in the fourth quarter of 2021?

A. 5.2 per cent

B. 7.2 per cent

C. 9.2 per cent


7. Which Nazi leader born in Tallinn was sentenced to death in the Nuremberg Trials?

A. Ernst Kaltenbrunner

B. Hjalmar Mäe

C. Alfred Rosenberg


8. Which city is the second largest in Estonia?

A. Narva

B. Rakvere

C. Tartu


9. Which newspaper was founded by Konstantin Päts in Tallinn in 1901?

A. Rahva Hääl

B. Teataja

C. Eesti Päevaleht


10. How many Ukrainian war refugees had arrived in Estonia by mid-April 2022?

A. About 10,000

B. About 20,000

C. About 30,000


11. Where will the new LNG ship terminal in Estonia be located?

A. The port of Muuga

B. The port of Kunda

C. The port of Paldiski


12. Where is the oldest pharmacy in Estonia (which has operated since 1422)?

A. Tallinn Town Hall Square

B. Tartu Town Hall Square

C. Toompea, Tallinn


Answers: 1. C, 2. B, 3. B, 4. A, 5. C, 6. A, 7. C, 8. A, 9. B, 10. C, 11. C, 12. A

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