We know Estonia

25.6.2023 | Estonia

Elisa warns against phishing calls made on behalf of Elisa

Elisa warns against phishing calls made on behalf of Elisa

During a new wave of cyberattacks, Elisa clients have started to receive phishing calls. The scammers who speak Russian … Read more

17.5.2023 | Estonia

Elisa issues warning about phishing SMS

Elisa issues warning about phishing SMS

Telecoms provider Elisa has issued a warning about phishing messages and urges customers of all networks to be especially … Read more

12.2.2023 | Estonia

The number of cyber threats increased 3,700% in 2022

The number of cyber threats increased 3,700% in 2022

According to statistics from the Elisa Netivalvur service, from January to September, the number of cyber threats experienced by … Read more