We know Estonia

21.5.2024 | Culture

Estonian museums saw a bumper year in 2023  with 2.5 million visits

Estonian museums saw a bumper year in 2023  with 2.5 million visits

According to data released by Statistics Estonia, Estonian museums had a remarkable year in 2023, attracting nearly 2.5 million … Read more

7.5.2024 | History

Temporary exhibitions at Estonia’s best museums

Temporary exhibitions at Estonia’s best museums

Here are current temporary exhibitions in Estonia’s five most popular museums. Estonian National Museum (ERM) 17.02.2024 –23.02.2025 Who … Read more

10.11.2023 | Culture

Discover the history of Estonian design in Tallinn

Discover the history of Estonian design in Tallinn

The entrance to the Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design (ETDM) is hidden in a charming little courtyard … Read more