We know Estonia
11.8.2022 | Shopping

One-third of Estonian shoppers are now buying the cheapest products in the supermarket

Text Mark Taylor
Photo Andrei Chertkov

One-third of Estonian shoppers are now buying the cheapest products in the supermarket


According to a study by Kantar Emor and the Estonian Food Industry Association, a third of Estonian shoppers prefer to buy the cheapest option on the supermarket shelf. However, Estonian products are preferred if the price is not much higher.

A survey by Kantor Emor polled 1244 Estonian shoppers on their preferences in 36 food categories to see which items they preferred and how they organised their purchases. 

The results of this survey, which were published on Tuesday by the Estonian Food Industry Association highlighted the increasing price sensitivity of Estonian shoppers, with 31 per cent now buying the cheapest option in the supermarket. Often meaning less nutritionally healthy and environmentally friendly products ending up in shopper’s baskets.

This price sensitivity is also having an effect on brand loyalty, as explained by Aivar Voog, a leading analyst at Kantor Emor.

“Because the food selection offered in stores is large and wide, people are becoming less and less loyal to one specific brand. When buying food, the most important thing is the product’s taste and the discounts offered in store.” 

This price crunch is also affecting those willing to pay more for products that match their beliefs or lifestyle. For example, those willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products has fallen by 7 per cent.

Despite this, 80 per cent of those polled stated that they would buy Estonian-made products if they were not much more expensive than other choices.  


Source ERR


To learn more about this and similar topics
Estonian food Estonian Food Industry Association Food Prices Food Prices Estonia Kantar Emor Poll Study

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