Number of tourists visiting Estonia falls by 7%
Text Mark Taylor Photo Mikko Virta
According to data released by Statistics Estonia, accommodation establishments served nearly 234,000 tourists in April 2024, which was 7 per cent less than in April last year. There were fewer domestic and foreign tourists.
“115,700 foreign and 118,100 domestic tourists were accommodated in Estonia in April. Compared with April 2023, there were 8 per cent fewer foreign tourists and 5 per cent fewer domestic tourists. The number of foreign tourists was 26 per cent smaller than in April 2019 before the pandemic, but the number of domestic tourists was now 11 per cent higher than in April 2019,” explained Helga Laurmaa, a leading analyst at Statistics Estonia.
The largest numbers of tourists arrived from neighbouring countries. This included nearly 42,000 from Finland and 15,000 from Latvia. 6,000 people travelled to Estonia from Germany, 5,300 from Lithuania, and nearly 3,900 from Sweden. Compared with April last year, there were 32 per cent more tourists from Germany, 19 per cent more tourists from Sweden, 3 per cent more tourists from Lithuania, and 82 per cent more tourists from Asian countries. On the other hand, there was a fall in the number of tourists from the neighbouring countries Finland (down by 28 per cent) and Latvia (down by 21 per cent).
The majority of tourists (75 per cent) preferred to stay in Harjumaa, followed by Pärnumaa and Tartumaa.
In April, the average cost of a guest night was 46 euros per person, which is 1 euro more than in April 2023 and 9 euros more than in April 2019 before the crisis. The average cost of an overnight stay per person was 53 euros in Tartumaa, 48 euros in Harjumaa, 47 euros in Lääne-Virumaa, 45 euros in Ida-Virumaa, and 40 euros in Pärnumaa.

To learn more about this and similar topics
Domestic Tourists
Foreign Tourists
Foreign Tourists Estonia
Statistics Estonia
Tourism Estonia
Tourists Estonia