Midsummer Eve at the Estonian Open Air Museum in Tallinn
Text Mark Taylor Photo Estonian Open Air Museum
Midsummer Eve is one of the most significant days of the year for Estonians, being full of traditions. At the Estonian Open Air Museum, you will be able to experience not just a magnificent bonfire, but traditional songs, dances, games, and of course saunas.
2023 has been declared the Year of the Sauna in Estonia, therefore there will be a focus on saunas at this year’s Midsummer celebrations at the Open Air Museum in Tallinn.
Visitors will be able to learn about the role of saunas in Estonian people’s lives, along with the rituals, customs, superstitions and fairy tales about them.
Midsummer festivities at the museum will begin at 7 pm today with a procession from the main gate to light the bonfire, which is historically the centerpiece of celebrations in the country.
Around the many traditional farms and village buildings in the museum grounds, all manner of different events will be taking place, from live music by groups such as the Estonian ‘Association of Small Accordions’, to games for kids and adults alike, and traditional folk dancing classes.
There will also be food and drinks for sale at the Kolu Inn, and many other locations around the Open Air Museum.
The parking lot at the museum is expected to be extremely busy this evening, therefore, it is recommended to travel there by public transport or taxi.
To learn more about the full schedule of events at the Estonian Open Air Museum this Midsummer click here. You can also buy tickets by clicking here.
To learn more about this and similar topics
Estonian Open Air Museum
Fairy Tales
Folk Dance
Midsummer Estonia