Maia has been looking for a forever home since 2020
Text Mark Taylor Photo Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals
One of the longest-term residents of the Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals is Maia, an eight-year-old cat with a beautiful coat. Like many animals rescued from the street, Maia is also an example of how care and love help can heal both physical and spiritual wounds.
Street life was not easy for Maia. Due to her humble and meek nature, she was beaten regularly by the other cats while living in the colony and had to endure hunger and teasing. Life was further complicated by Maia’s gorgeous long coat, which was terribly shaggy while living on the street and caused her great discomfort. Maia also still has an big fear of dogs, which is likely because some dog has tried to hurt her at some point in the past.
When she arrived into the care of the Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals in the spring of 2020, Maia suffered from parasites, a severe leg wound, and at 1.7 kg, she was also severely underweight. In the clinic, where Maia had to recover for a week, she did not show any aggression, but only trembled when fear overcame her. In addition to other operations, the cat’s long and shaggy coat had to be shed at the clinic. As soon as she felt better, Maia’s wonderful and gentle character began to manifest, and little by little her courage also grew.
From the beginning, Maia has had one great love – petting. She also loves to be combed, which the shelter is extremely happy about, because such a gorgeous coat needs daily brushing and care. Maia’s future home must also continue with regular combing sessions.
Another great passion for Maia is ball games. Soft balls, crunchy balls, tiny balls, bigger balls. She chases them all with equal vigor and joy. She is also equally good at playing with people or by herself. She doesn’t sit on your lap, but on a pillow, as befits a lady. She is also very neat and peaceful, does not climb, does not break things, and has never bitten or even scratched a person.
How can it be that such a human-friendly and lovely cat with gorgeous fur has not found a forever home in three years? As always, life is not only sugar mountains and rivers of porridge. Colony life has left its mark on Maia’s health, and due to chronic intestinal inflammation, she is only allowed to eat a certain amount of medical food and nothing else. She also needs to be given probiotics on a daily basis, and will need these throughout her life.
Older cats with a chronic disease often have to wait longer for a home, and as the spring kitten season approaches, they become invisible again for a while. There is definitely a forever home for Maia out there, and the Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals will not give up looking for her.
If you are interested in giving Maia the loving home she deserves contact,
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Animal Rescue
Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals
Long-hair Cat