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1.9.2024 | Estonia

The average salary in Estonia breaks 2000 euros per month for the first time

Text Susanna Poikela
Photos Statistics Estonia

The average salary in Estonia breaks 2000 euros per month for the first timeKeskimääräiset bruttokuukausipalkat ja niiden muutos, 2. neljännes 2023 – 2. neljännes 2024.


According to Statistics Estonia, the average gross monthly wage in the second quarter of 2024 was 2,007 euros, which is 7.2 per cent higher than in the same quarter of last year.

“Although average gross monthly wages were higher in the second quarter than in the first quarter, wage growth has slowed down over the last four quarters,” explained Eveli Voolens, Team Leader for Social Statistics at Statistics Estonia.

Voolens noted that average gross monthly wages were highest in the information and communication sector (3,468 euros), followed by finance and insurance (3,163 euros), and the energy sector (3,138 euros).

The lowest average gross monthly wages were in accommodation and food service activities (1,262 euros), other service activities (1,314 euros), and real estate activities (1,396 euros). “Compared to the second quarter of last year, wages and salaries have increased the most in the human health and social work sectors, as well as in other service activities,” Voolens highlights.

The highest average gross monthly wages were in Tallinn (2,339 euros), followed by Harjumaa (including Tallinn) with 2,233 euros, and Tartu (2,039 euros). The lowest average wages were in Valgamaa (1,509 euros), Hiiumaa (1,525 euros), and Saaremaa (1,535 euros).

“Although wages in most Estonian counties are below the national average, they are still on the rise. Compared to the same period last year, wages have increased the most in Ida-Virumaa (9.4 per cent), Hiiumaa (8.6 per cent), and Valgamaa (8.5 per cent),” said the analyst.

Median wages (the point where 50 per cent of the population earns more and 50 per cent less) in the second quarter of 2024 were 1,641 euros. The highest median wages were in Tallinn (1,899 euros), followed by Harjumaa (including Tallinn) with 1,828 euros, and Tartuma (1,713 euros). The lowest median wages were in Valgamaa (1,297 euros), Saaremaa (1,320 euros), and Ida-Virumaa (1,322 euros).




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Average Monthly Wages Economics Estonian Wages 2024 Median Wages Estonia Regional Wages Wage Increase Estonia Wage Statistics Estonia

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