Estonia saw a record number of domestic tourists in 2022
Text Mark Taylor Photo Andrei Chertkov
According to data released by Statistics Estonia, in 2022, Estonian accommodation establishments served over 3 million tourists, which is 52 per cent more than in 2021. There was a rise in the number of both foreign and domestic tourists.
Nearly 1.5 million foreign and 1.8 million domestic tourists were accommodated in Estonia last year. “Compared with 2021, there were 161 per cent more foreign tourists. Their number did not yet reach pre-pandemic levels, as it was comparable to the figure for 2005. But, for the second year in a row, the number of domestic tourists set a new record,” said Helga Laurmaa, a leading analyst at Statistics Estonia.
The biggest number of foreign visitors came from Finland (589,000) and Latvia (204,000). Compared with 2021, the number of accommodated tourists from these two neighbouring countries increased by 310 per cent and 130 per cent, respectively. Tourist arrivals from Finland have not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels, but the number of tourists from Latvia was 12 per cent bigger. The number of tourists from more distant countries was higher than in 2021, but still lower than in 2019.
In December 2022, the number of tourists accommodated was 257,000, which is a third more than in December 2021. There were almost 121,000 foreign tourists and about 137,000 domestic tourists. Year on year, the number of foreign tourists increased by 69 per cent and the number of domestic tourists grew by 11 per cent.
The vast majority of foreign tourists (83 per cent) stayed in accommodation establishments in Harjumaa, followed by Pärnumaa (8 per cent) and Tartumaa (4 per cent).
The average cost of a guest night in December was 46 euros per person, which is one euro more than in November. The average cost of an overnight stay was 51 euros per person in Tartumaa, 49 euros in Harjumaa and Ida-Virumaa, 40 euros in Valgamaa, and 39 euros in Pärnumaa.
To learn more about this and similar topicsDomestic Tourists Foreign Tourists Harjumaa Tartumaa Tourists Tourists Estonia 2022 Tourist Statistics Estonia 2022