We know Estonia
14.1.2014 | Shopping

Shopping Spotlight: Kaubamaja

Shopping Spotlight: Kaubamaja

Kaubamaja – Estonia’s department store.


Kaubamaja is one of the only two department store chains in Estonia. Here you will find just about anything. Over the last few years, the store has undergone some renovations, including improvements to its children’s department and women’s sections, and most recently, menswear section. Kaubamaja is connected to Viru Keskus through an overpass that leads to additional departments like the cosmetics department on the ground floor; ladies wear on the second floor, and a gourmet grocery store in the basement level. This department store sells brand name designer fashions, and stocks top name appliances and cosmetics.

Kaubamaja was founded in 1960 as a government enterprise. Once Estonia regained its independence, it was transformed into a public limited company. Kaubamaja has alocationinTallinnandinTartu..

Just this year, Kaubamaja in Tallinn renovated their men’s depart- ment. The department, which stretches over two floors, brought in some new brands to add to their already extensive line of men’s wear. New brands include: JOOP!, Karl Lagerfeld, and Baldessarini. On the second floor, you will find men’s wear, including outerwear. Move one floor up, and there you will find shoes, accessories, and formalwear.

Services Available:

■ Personal Shopping

■ Tailor

■ SewingServices–curtains,bed linens, and more

■ Hairdressingandbeautysalon

■ GiftCards

■ Home Delivery Service

Made in Estonia

■ Keep an eye out for the sign Eesti Toode, if you are looking for locally designed clothing. This label can be found on clothing, accessories, and cosmetics.

■ The kitchen and homewares department is changing constantly with new products coming in all the time. While there are many small items to choose from, kitchen gadgets, small appliances, and other accessories for the home, if you do find something larger that you just must have, Kaubamaja offers home delivery service too.

■ The children’s department was also renovated earlier this year to include a more interactive shopping experience. The children’s department, which stretches over the fourth and fifth floors, has of course clothing and toys, as well as a children’s hairdresser, a supervised playroom, diaper-changing room, and an ice cream café.

■ The women’s wear department and ladies’ shoe department are massive. Local and international brands can be found. After the holidays, sales will begin, and you can enjoy great discounts on items throughout the store.

■ AcrossthestreetintheViru Keskus portion of Kaubamaja is the cosmetics department. Along with top name cosmetics and fragrances, this department houses one of the largest selections of hair care and other beauty products. Look for Joik’s extensive line of skincare products, if you are looking for something local.


Gonsiori 2,Tallinn

Check on the map



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